
Music, Weed, and Our Body

Music and marijuana go hand in hand, like the intertwined body parts of two lovers tossing in sheets.  The effects of music on weed takes an already deeply sensual experience and electrifies it unto another level, creating a synesthetic effect that has been described as being able to see, or feel harmonies.  A phenomenon, which is not just based on user experience, but is supported by hard, physiological scientific evidence. 

In order to understand how this happens, we must first understand a little bit of anatomy. But, hold on, I promise I’ll make it easy.  All mammal’s physiological functions are controlled by the Endocannabinoid system.  This is what’s responsible for the body’s pain levels, appetite, and temperament (to name a few). 

The Endocannabinoid system activates these functions as necessary through a countless number of cells in the brain known as cannabinoid receptors.  These receptors are primarily activated by two distinct natural sources of cannabinoids.  The first, are known as Endocannabinnoids and are produced internally within the mammals (humans) body.  The second, are known as plant cannabinoids, like those found in marijuana.

Example:  Initally, the mammal body recognizes a need for sustenance (food) and begins producing Endocannabinoids.  Then, these will attach to receptors throughout the brain and initiate a feeling of hunger.  Or, a person partakes in ganja and floods their system with external cannabinoids, which will stimulate the entire Endocannabinoid system.

Some of these cannabinoid receptors are located in a part of the brain known as the Corpus Callosum.  A piece of connective tissue that is responsible for communication between the mind’s right and left hemispheres.  Similar to a telephone wire that enables communication between two separate houses.  One of the responsibilities of the cannabinoid receptors located in the Corpus Callosum, is the cognitive recognizance of sound/music.    

Here’s an easy illustration of how it would work –  The brain hears something.  One side is like, “Hey, that’s pretty cool,” and he shouts over to the other side, “What do yah think?”  The other side hears it a split millisecond later and says either, “Yeah, I like that” or, “Nah, what comes next?”  As one can see, the Corpus Callosum creates an analytical dialogue between the two sides of the brain.  One concentrating on what has just passed, while the other is in anticipation of what comes next.

However, when we activate the Corpus Callosum’s receptors with external cannabinoids, we basically make it forget to do it’s job (stimulating the brain as a whole, instead of in pieces).  A job that was created by our natural animalistic instinct of survival, and of predator versus prey.  This enables the listener to become lost within the auditorial soundscape, making each new note and sound a surprise.  Placing an individual in the exact moment of the song.  This permits the pleasure receptors to dominate the experience, in the same way a feather brushing against the back of your neck subtly startles you.

Additionally, there are cannabinoid receptors located in the Ventral Striatum, a part of the brain associated with enjoyment and reward.  Upon the use of ganja, these too become super charged and activated by cannabinoids.  Adding a heightened sense of appreciation for things that were already rewarding.  Meaning, pleasurable experiences like music, sex, food, or any other hedonistic pursuit becomes more enjoyable on Mary Jane. 

Finally, all of this equates to a surge in dopamine levels.  The chemicals in the body synonymous with happiness and enjoyment.  Thereby making everything better, not just music and food.  So sit back, put on some tunes, roll one up, and enjoy the heightened experience of a mind relaxed on marijuana.  It’s like taking a daily vitamin.

Works Cited:

Huxley, Aldous. The Doors of Perception ; &, Heaven and Hell. Place of Publication Not Identified: Important, 2013. Print.
Vannatta, J. Burr. “Why Marijuana Makes Music Sound so Much Better.” Modern Trader Jan. 2017: n. pag. Why Marijuana Makes Music Sound So Much Better. Modern Trader. Web. 09 Mar. 2017.