High Thoughts on Trump

Smoke Session 1

Sometimes when we partake in a little bit of marijuana, ganja, hash, or whatever you wanna call it – our brain gets stimulated.  When this happens, we tend to think creatively about issues weighing on our mind.  Take it as you like, or leave it all in the trash, but these are my thoughts. 

We all know the fantastic things that President Trump has said about women.  In his speeches he tells the world that he loves them, that he treats them with the utmost respect, and that no one is as big a supporter of their rights as he.  Apparently, the verisimilitude of these remarks have convinced many to support him.

Unfortunately, the instant ability to express one’s emotion through Twitter has shown us a different side, as can be seen in his disparaging comments towards Ariana Huffington (to name just one).  It’s too bad that the enormity of his remarks culminates in leaked footage of him explicitly stating, “Grab them by the pussy.”  A statement that was said in the context of his ability to have his way with any women he chooses, as it hints at a more sinister character. 

To make any sort of douchey comment is to display childish and immature behavior.  To say it at the caliber that Donald Trump has sat in most of his life, is irrefutably despicable.  It paints a portent picture of the character beneath the suit, tie, and Mar-a-Lago fiefdom.  One that dreams of control over others and of anything within desire.   

A lot of people I’ve spoken with have agreed that, “Trump is brainwashing the American people,”  (or something like that).  And its funny, because when you look at his comments objectively, and emotionally removed, there is either a certain ambiguity readily apparent behind all of his remarks.  Or, it’s one of two point blank statements – an accusation, or a guarantee.

Recently, Trump has accused the Obama administration of wire tapping his phones, saying, “How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process,” (misspellings included).  But unlike the supported claims made agains the Trump administration, this one again, holds no factual evidence. 

To me, this is hilarious.  It’s as if Trump believes that Americans will trust anything he says regarding his accusations of scandal, (because he obviously thinks everyone relies on House of Cards for political facts).  Of course, there’s no way that the hit Netflix show factually depicts the daily dealings of our government.  However, it’s still undeniable that shady political affairs occur that the majority of Americans never learn of.  With that said, it seems highly unlikely that President Trump would be the most victimized candidate to ever chance a go at the White House.  Especially when considering Barack Obama, and how he was the first African-American to run for the oval office. 

For Trump to make another unfounded claim right after evidence has surfaced against his administration (Sessions), is for him to point the finger back like a child in defense.  Except that the only thing behind his finger, are a bunch of tears and a whiney ass voice. 

Don’t Eat Your Weed

guyandpotAn unfortunate side effect of Marijuana being illegal is that it authorizes the government to throw you in jail.  With that being said, most of us have had (at one time or another) close calls with the law where we might’ve been tempted to eat our stash. 

The scene from Super Troopers crosses the mind, and we immediately think about how stoned we’d get if we ate that much pot. 

Or, would we?

The answer is definitely not.  A person could spend all day shoving beautiful, crystallized nugs down their throat, but it wouldn’t be very effective.  This is because the plant does nuglet .jpgnot retain naturally high levels of THC.  Instead, it contains the compound THC-A (the A stands for acid).  The -A works as an inhibitor on the psychological effects of THC, preventing the compound from getting you stoned until the -A is broken.

Unfortunately, our bodies do not posses the aptitude for digesting and breaking down THC-A.   Making external heat application the easiest method to breakaway the -A and activate the compound -as occurs when smoked.  This is why cooking/baking weed into edibles is efficient.  Because it activates the previously inactive THC and enables our bodies to digest it.

So while movies are great entertainment, their drug interpretations are usually wildly inaccurate, providing terrible inspiration for real life use.  Especially comedies.  With that said, activate your marijuana and get baked and happy. 

A Special Seed

From a puny brown oval shell
shoots two, and two with carved edges. 
In anticipation of a higher 
day, given from mother nature. 

Twelve weeks past in culminating
redolence, verging to obnoxious, 
as sap oozes from cola pockets 
of sticky crystallized emeralds.    

Trichomes glint as light passes over
thick stalks ready to snap under 
dripping, bulbous flowers, staked 
upright to support our sanity. 

Moving amongst the woozy plants
is magic to another day, for kids 
who dreamed of mirages melted away. 
So we snip, hang, and burn in a cure, 
of fantasy’s lost in a haze. 

Does the Strain Matter?

pot-flower2The short answer is, yes. 

Naming marijuana strains originated because people began to notice minute differences between certain types of plants.  These differences ranged from height and appearance, all the way to taste and smell.  Some plants were a lighter shade of green, others smelled like petrol, and some even tasted fruity.  This of course, created a necessity for distinction. 

Enter the name game. 

In addition to these physical cues, recent discoveries in cannabis have given us even more data on why the strain is important.  The most significant of which, is that certain strains are genetically predisposed to create higher levels of cannabinoids e.g., THC, CBD, CBG etc.  This means that select strains of marijuana are stronger and more potent than others.   

Example:  Plant A has a max THC content of 23% (meaning that out of 100% of cannabinoids in the plant, 23% of them is the compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol).  In comparison, Plant B has a max THC content of only 16.9%. pot-flower

This is why knowing the strain matters.  (So that as a consumer or distributer), you are able to make a knowledgeable and accurate decision regarding your product. 

Does this mean that certain strains are always better than others? 

No.  Marijuana is still a plant, and like all plants, it is subject to the sporadic uncertainties of nature.  Just as how certain renowned vineyards may have a bad year and produce inferior wine.  So too, may certain strains also have a bad season and not develop as completely.  But usually, this is readily apparent upon look and touch.  Leaving us two choices for finding out the best out of two that are visually similar -knowing the strain name, or by partaking.  If you can’t partake, go for the best strain.  Because not all weed is the same. 

Are Seeds In Weed Bad?

weed-budAs Snoop Dog famously said in the old-school Dr. Dre banger Still D.R.E., “No seeds, no stems, no sticks.  Some of that real sticky icky icky.”  In doing so, he created the mantra for all burgeoning stoners across the world.  No stems.  No seeds.  Just sticky icky flower.

Why is that?  Why don’t we want sticks and seeds in our weed bag?

It’s easy – seeds and stems don’t retain high levels of THC.  The ultimate goal of the female marijuana plant is to flower (produce buds).  After a certain stage of growing (in the plant’s life cycle), the plants place all of their energy into producing big, succulent, sticky buds that become laden with THC.  This is because when they enter into their final cycle of production, the rest of the plant’s leaves and stems are used to fuel the flowers growth.  This drains the leaves and stalks of Marijuana’s essence, and places it completely within the flowers.

During the early stages of flower development, female plants become at risk of pollination by male plants.  If they become pollinated, the female plants cease flower production as the numero uno priority, while simultaneously placing emphasis on seed production.  This means the plant no longer ‘cares’ for producing delicious, potent, juicy flowers; because it now only cares about making children (seeds).  This pretty much stops the production of THC within the plants flower, making it significantly less potent and enjoyable.    

Bringing us to the ultimate reason why we don’t want seeds and stems in our pot.

It makes the weed weak.  Weak weed = weak high.  Weak high = weak medicine.  Weak medicine = more pot required.  So please, do us a favor and keep the seeds in the soil.

What is Hash? Weed Break Down 101

I hardly partake in weed anymore.  It smells loud, is harsh on the lungs, and tastes bad.  But I dab.  When ready, I refer aloud to it as hash.  This has time and again led me to conversations with others where I’m referring to dabs as hash, and they’re thinking a specific type of hash i.e., bubble hash.  When I correct their misconception, they try to turn it around, saying something like, “Nooo, screen-shot-2017-03-03-at-7-19-38-amthat’s BHO.”  They’re wrong.  It’s hash. 

Granted (when I was younger), I didn’t quite understand the difference between hash and marijuana, either.  And the simple fact  is, there’s not.  Hash is just a concentrated dosage of essential cannabis oils.  The same way that a grapefruit is filled with delicious, succulent juice, marijuana flowers too are filled with their own special type of juice (oil).  Hash is a broad, pot-flower2general name given to extracted marijuana oils. 

So why does traditional (bubble) hash look different from dabs, you ask? 

The differences in hash lie in the method of extraction used to concentrate the flower’s oil.  The traditional method of making hash is not as concise as newer, modern methods.  This resulted in a product that contained higher levels of THC than its original form, but which still retained plant matter from the flowers, which is why its bulkier and slightly powdery.  (More on how to make Bubble Hash in another post.) 

The continuing advancements of cannabis culture throughout the years has lead to more refined hash production.  One such advancement has been the advent of BHO (Butane Hash Oil), which refers to extracting cannabis oils through butane gas to create dabs.  Another method, is to simply oilimg_0847extract the oils by heat and pressure, known as Rosin.

Still, one thing remains consistent.  Each product (from traditional Bubble hash all the way to Rosin), contains a concentrated dosage of oils from Marijuana flowers.  This means they’re all hash, with the only difference being appearance and quality.  An even newer term is Concentrates, which has spawned in conjunction with the advancements of hash and is just as acceptable to use.  Still, at the end of the day, it’s all in reference to partaking, and each person has their own way of saying they’re ready for a dosage of some THC.     

Senators Letter to Sessions on Weed Legalization

letter-leafTwo senators have teamed up to pen a letter to the new attorney general Jeff Sessions after he has been quoted saying, he is “Definitely not a fan of expanded use of Marijuana.”  The letter, by Sens Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, asks Sessions to uphold the Obama administration’s policy regarding control of cannabis.  The letter was cosigned by 9 other senators across the nation, unifying a collective opinion on the matter.

Additionally, the letter comes right at the heels of Republican Congressman Thomas Garrett’s proposed bill, titled, “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017.”  The bill, if passed, would remove cannabis from the federal controlled substance list and give power to the states.  This would effectively reduce Marijuana from a ‘devil-drug’ to a marketable product no different than alcohol and tobacco; creating another profitable industry in America. 

It’s reassuring to know that pieces of our government are actually working to ensure we retain our rights as Americans, and are not trying to restrict us to a police state, as in V for Vendetta.  Our country needs progress, we need challenge against the status quo, we need leaders.  Otherwise, we risk slipping into a cultural recession, which could only get worse and rob us of more rights.  Ahem* recent travel bans, anyone?

This comes only a week after Spicer’s alarm raising quote on recreational pot use, where he said “When you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing we should be doing is encouraging people.”  A ridiculous statement that completely ignores Big Pharmacy’s role in the ongoing heroin epidemic.  As well as, the fact that marijuana is a safe alternative to those addictive substances handed out by doctors.

We can only hope that members of the government will continue to stand up for the people, and that our voice will actually be heard.  After all, it certainly wasn’t Americas voice that elected Trump (electorates!), even though we’re still under the impression it was. 

Out With Sessions, In With Pot Possession


Government officials are asking for Sessions to resign after new details emerged of close door meetings with the Russian ambassador.  This comes only weeks after his January 2017 confirmation, where he blatantly denied having any contact with Russian officials.

However troubling this is (the ethics of the U.S. Attorney General), it comes as great news for the Marijuana community.  Sessions, the good ol’ American conservative he is, has been very outspoken against weed since coming into office.  A concerning issue that has raised brows amongst many Cannabis proprietors and advocates.

Sessions came to power in the 70s when drug addiction and crime ran rampant across America.  It’s obvious his crotchety old bones are shaking over the way America is progressing, and his priority is to return as soon as possible to the harsh government restrictions of the ‘Crack laws’ era.  A terrifying scenario to think about.

Hopefully Sessions’s time won’t last, or at the very least, he’ll be too distracted to do anything about our pot.  Our country certainly doesn’t need another close minded politician attempting to halt our progress.  Remember, an attack on Marijuana is an attack on our rights.  Stay tuned for more updates, and hopefully an answer on how to get Sessions out.